studies the neurological basis of substance-use disorders
studies sex differences and hormonal regulation of neural circuit activity underlying environmental context-reward associations in substance use disorders
studies the neural underpinnings of the sense of self-motion and orientation in space.
studies neuronal circuits that support auditory perception and learning
studies neuro-immune interactions and the neural circuits underlying sickness symptoms.
studies basal ganglia and reward circuitry that regulate motivation and repetitive behaviors.
studies the neural circuits and mechanisms that govern instinctive behavior in mice
studies the neural circuits underlying sensorimotor gating
studies the role of sex and hormones on stress- and fear-related behaviors and neural circuitry
studies the roles of mechanotransduction in gastrointestinal function
studies how the human brain allows us to flexibly adapt to new experiences, learn new information and form long-lasting memories
studies the gene regulatory mechanisms that underlie psychiatric disease using rodents models of drug use and chronic stress
uses experimentation and modeling to uncover the neural computations underlying complex cognition in health and disease
studies primary headache disorders such as cluster headache by identifying and characterizing genetic markers
studies how neural systems encode for motivation and behavioral flexbility using in vivo recordings of neural activity within rat based reward-learning tasks.