studies how brains change in response to selection pressure on behavior
All in Cognitive
studies how brains change in response to selection pressure on behavior
studies the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying social and emotional processing in aging
uses experimentation and modeling to uncover the neural computations underlying complex cognition in health and disease
studies how the brain makes predictions and adapts to novel or uncertain environments, and how these mechanism are altered by mental illness
Dr. Williams uses engineering principles to understand mechanistic changes in the brain resulting from repetitive head impacts.
studies the epigenetic and molecular basis of long-term memory, particularly how these mechanisms are altered in the aging brain and how epigenetic regulation of circadian genes might contribute to age-related memory decline.
researches the neurogenetic underpinnings of autism within understudied populations of the broader ASD community
works to infer complex cognitive processes from neural activity
studies how neural activity linked to perception and cognition is modulated according to memories, task goals and expectation
studies the impact racism and lived experiences have on the aging brain
studies the organization and dynamics of large-scale brain networks underlying cognitive flexibility
develops technologies for studying and modulating learning and memory in the human brain
studies the endocannabanoid signaling system in autism spectrum disorder
studies how the human brain changes with experience and recovers from injury
studies the psychological and neural mechanisms of emotion and cognition
uses multi-modal neuroimaging techniques to study risk and resilience for cognitive decline in aging
studies the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying age-related changes in motivated learning and memory
studies how sleep influences learning and memory consolidation