studies models of alcohol use disorder and the consequences of adolescent alcohol exposure on development and aging
All in Assistant Professor
studies models of alcohol use disorder and the consequences of adolescent alcohol exposure on development and aging
studies how brains change in response to selection pressure on behavior
studies how social experiences and internal states shape behavior
studies the neuroscience of auditory processing and perception in health and disease
studies how the brain and spinal cord control our sense of touch
studies sex differences and hormonal regulation of neural circuit activity underlying environmental context-reward associations in substance use disorders
studies the neural underpinnings of the sense of self-motion and orientation in space.
studies neuro-immune interactions and the neural circuits underlying sickness symptoms.
studies how the human brain allows us to flexibly adapt to new experiences, learn new information and form long-lasting memories
studies how early-life exercise can influence the development of cognitive functions
studies cortical and cerebellar mechanisms underlying predictive processing using electrophysiological and optical methods in awake behaving mice.
studies how speech sounds are represented in the brain using intracranial recordings from epilepsy patients and scalp EEG.
studies how glial cells regulate homeostatic plasticity, and uses transcriptomic and electrophysiological techniques to study how their functions change in disease states.
develops and applies new tools to study neurochemical signaling in learning and disease.
studies how the brain makes predictions and adapts to novel or uncertain environments, and how these mechanism are altered by mental illness