studies the neural substrates of memory (engrams) and applies this research to both substance abuse and learning and memory disorders
studies the neural substrates of memory (engrams) and applies this research to both substance abuse and learning and memory disorders
studies the endocannabanoid signaling system in autism spectrum disorder
studies how we unconsciously learn from the environment
studies how the human brain changes with experience and recovers from injury
studies cerebellar Purkinje cells and their contribution to motor and non-motor disorders
studies the neural circuits underlying stress, fear, and social behavior
studies the psychological and neural mechanisms of emotion and cognition
studies how the brain controls movement through the combination of engineering and neuroscience
studies the neural mechanisms of memory and develops open source tools for neuroscience
studies blood-brain barrier dysfunction in injury and disease
studies how neural circuits transform sensory information into flexible behavior
studies how cell biophysics and network dynamics interact to mediate spatial memory and navigation
uses multi-modal neuroimaging techniques to study risk and resilience for cognitive decline in aging
studies the neural circuits and computations underlying decision-making
creates data-inspired neural networks to model and study the visual cortex
studies blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease
studies the neural encoding of complex sound features in auditory cortex, and its relation to perception and decision-making
studies circuit mechanisms underlying compulsive behaviors in mouse models of OCD